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Brave Little Bear

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Bobby. He lived in a cozy den deep in the forest with his mom and dad. Every day, they played and laughed together. But one day, Bobby's dad had to go away on a special mission to help protect their home. Bobby felt sad and worried.

A little bear with brown fur, a little bear with brown fur, is sitting in his cozy den with his mom and dad. Outside, there are tall trees and green grass.

Bobby missed his dad very much. He couldn't sleep at night without him. But Bobby's mom told him that his dad was very brave and strong. She said, 'Even though your dad is far away, he loves you so much. He will always think of you and keep you safe.'

A little bear with brown fur's mom, a bear with brown fur like A little bear with brown fur, is comforting A little bear with brown fur. They are sitting on a soft bed in their den, surrounded by warm blankets.

Bobby listened to his mom and started to feel better. He knew that his dad was doing an important job. He wanted to be brave too, just like his dad. So every night, before going to bed, Bobby would close his eyes and imagine his dad's warm hugs.

A little bear with brown fur, with a smile on his face, is lying in his bed, closing his eyes. He imagines his dad, a strong bear with brown fur and kind eyes, giving him a big hug.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. One day, Bobby's dad came back home. Bobby was so happy to see him! His dad looked tired but proud. He gave Bobby the biggest bear hug and said, 'You're my brave little bear!'

A strong bear with brown fur and kind eyes, a bear with brown fur and a proud smile, is standing at the entrance of their den. A little bear with brown fur, with excitement on his face, is running towards his dad for a big hug.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bobby feel when his dad went away?
  • What did Bobby do to feel better?
  • How did Bobby's dad describe him?

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