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Brinkles and Lola's Fraction Adventure
Brinkles en Lola's Fraction Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a special flying pig named Brinkles. Brinkles had a pink snout and fluffy wings. Eens op 'n tyd was daar 'n spesiale vlieënde vark met die naam Brinkles. Brinkles het 'n pienk snoet en donsige vlerke gehad.
The first page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile, a pink pig with wings, flying in the blue sky.
One sunny day, Brinkles met a crazy cat named Lola. Lola had orange fur and big green eyes. She loved to chase butterflies. Een sonnige dag het Brinkles 'n mal kat met die naam Lola ontmoet. Lola het oranje pels en groot groen oë gehad. Sy was mal daaroor om skoenlappers te jaag.
The second page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious, a playful orange cat with green eyes, meeting in a meadow surrounded by flowers.
Brinkles and Lola decided to go on an adventure together. They wanted to find a shiny treasure. Brinkles en Lola het besluit om saam op 'n avontuur te gaan. Hulle wou 'n blink skat vind.
The third page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious holding hands, looking excited as they set off on their adventure.
As they flew over hills and valleys, Brinkles and Lola discovered a hidden cave. Inside, they found a box of chocolate cookies! Terwyl hulle oor heuwels en valleie gevlieg het, het Brinkles en Lola 'n versteekte grot ontdek. Binne het hulle 'n boks sjokoladekoekies gekry!
The fourth page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious peeking inside a dark cave, and a box of chocolate cookies sparkles in the corner.
Brinkles and Lola decided to share the cookies, but they also wanted to make sure each had an equal amount. Brinkles used her magic to split the cookies into halves. Brinkles en Lola het besluit om die koekies te deel, maar hulle wou ook seker maak elkeen het 'n gelyke hoeveelheid. Brinkles het haar magie gebruik om die koekies in helftes te verdeel.
The fifth page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile using her magic to split the cookies into two halves, and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious looking curiously.
There were 8 cookies in total, so Brinkles and Lola each got 4 cookies. They felt happy and full. Daar was altesaam 8 koekies, so Brinkles en Lola het elk 4 koekies gekry. Hulle het gelukkig en versadig gevoel.
The sixth page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious smiling and eating their 4 cookies each.
Brinkles and Lola realized that sharing was important and making sure everyone gets a fair share is too. Brinkles en Lola het besef om te deel is belangrik en om seker te maak almal kry 'n regverdige deel is ook.
The seventh page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious holding hands again, understanding the importance of sharing.
They flew back home, with happy hearts and full bellies, knowing that they always had each other for more fun adventures. Hulle het terug huis toe gevlieg, met gelukkige harte en vol mae, wetende dat hulle mekaar altyd gehad het vir nog prettige avonture.
The eighth page shows Pink pig with wings and a smile and Orange cat with big green eyes, playful and curious flying back home, with hearts and bellies full of happiness.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Brinkles and Lola share the cookies?
  • What did Brinkles use her magic for?
  • Why were Brinkles and Lola happy in the end?

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