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Brushing My Teeth

Every night before bed, I brush my teeth.

A little A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes with brown hair and blue eyes stands in the bathroom with a toothbrush and toothpaste on the counter.

First, I put a little bit of toothpaste on my toothbrush.

The A little boy holds his toothbrush under the running water and then squeezes a small amount of toothpaste on it.

Then, I count to 1 and start brushing my front teeth.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes starts brushing his front teeth with circular motions.

Next, I count to 2 and brush my top teeth.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes tilts his head back and brushes his top teeth with big up and down strokes.

After that, I count to 3 and brush my bottom teeth.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes bends over and brushes his bottom teeth with more circular motions.

I count to 4 and brush my back teeth, the ones way in the back.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes opens his mouth wide and brushes his back teeth carefully.

Finally, I count to 5 and brush my tongue to make it clean.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes sticks out his tongue and gently brushes it with his toothbrush.

When I'm all done, I rinse my mouth with water and spit it out.

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes takes a sip of water, swishes it around in his mouth, and spits it out into the sink.

Now my teeth are clean and ready for bed!

The A little boy with brown hair and blue eyes smiles and looks at his shiny clean teeth in the bathroom mirror.

Reflection Questions

  • What do I do first before brushing my teeth?
  • How many counts do I do to brush my bottom teeth?
  • Why is it important to brush our teeth?

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