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Buckley's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a fawn named Buckley.

Fawn standing in a forest surrounded by trees

One sunny morning, Buckley decided to explore the big city.

Fawn walking on a paved road with tall buildings

But as Buckley wandered through the city, he realized he was lost.

Fawn looking worried in a busy street

Just as Buckley started to panic, a friendly squirrel named Sammy appeared.

Fawn and squirrel meeting in a park

Sammy offered to help Buckley find his way home.

Fawn and squirrel walking together

They asked kind people for directions but nobody knew the way.

Fawn and squirrel asking for directions

But Buckley and Sammy didn't give up. They kept searching.

Fawn and squirrel determinedly exploring the city

After a long journey, they finally found a park that looked familiar to Buckley.

Fawn and squirrel spotting a familiar park

With Sammy's guidance, Buckley made it back to the forest safely.

Fawn happily back in the forest with Sammy

Buckley learned that with determination, he could overcome any obstacle.

Fawn feeling confident and determined

Reflection Questions

  • How did Buckley feel when he got lost in the city?
  • Who helped Buckley find his way home?
  • What did Buckley learn from his adventure?

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