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Buddhiman and the Magical Stone

Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a boy named Buddhiman. Buddhiman was very curious and loved exploring the world around him. One day, while he was playing near a river, he found a shiny stone.

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help playing near a river, finding a shiny stone

Buddhiman picked up the stone and noticed that it glowed brightly in his hand. Suddenly, a magical voice spoke to him, 'Buddhiman, I am the Magical Stone. I have the power to grant one wish. Use me wisely.'

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help holding the glowing stone, magical voice speaking

Excited about his newfound power, Buddhiman thought deeply about what he wanted. He realized that he wanted to bring happiness to his whole village. So, he made his wish to the Magical Stone, 'I wish for everyone in the village to be happy!'

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help making a wish to bring happiness to the village

Suddenly, a wave of joy spread throughout the village. People were smiling, children were laughing, and even the animals seemed happier. Buddhiman's wish had come true and the village was filled with happiness.

Village filled with happiness, people and animals smiling

As Buddhiman walked around the village, he noticed a kind old man sitting alone. The old man looked sad and lonely. Buddhiman approached him and asked, 'Why are you sad when everyone else is happy?'

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help talking to the sad old man

The old man replied, 'I am blind and cannot see the happiness around me.' Buddhiman had an idea. He used the power of the Magical Stone to grant the old man's wish for sight.

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help granting the old man's wish for sight

The old man's eyes opened wide, and he saw the world for the first time. Tears of joy streamed down his face as he thanked Buddhiman. Now, the old man could experience the happiness that filled the village.

Old man seeing the world for the first time, tears of joy

From that day forward, Buddhiman continued to use the power of the Magical Stone to bring happiness and help others. He became known as the kindest and wisest boy in the village and his name spread far and wide.

Curious boy with sparkling eyes, always ready to help using the power of the Shiny stone with glowing light and mysterious voice to help others, becoming known for his kindness

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Buddhiman make his wish for the village?
  • What did Buddhiman use the Magical Stone for?
  • How did the old man feel after receiving his wish?

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