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Buddy and the Little Listener

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who had a dog named Buddy. Buddy was a friendly and loyal dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears.

What was the name of the little girl?

  • A) Stacy
  • B) Lily
  • C) Emily
  • D) Sarah
A girl named Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress with her brown dog Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears

Lily loved playing with Buddy all day long. She would throw a tennis ball and Buddy would happily bring it back to her. One day, while playing in the park, Lily found a shiny blue bracelet. She put it on her wrist and ran home with Buddy.

What did Lily find in the park?

  • A) A red toy car
  • B) A yellow hat
  • C) A green balloon
  • D) A shiny blue bracelet
Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress playing fetch with Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears and finding a blue bracelet

That evening, Lily was trying to tell her parents about the bracelet, but they were busy and didn't have time to listen. Feeling sad, Lily sat down on the couch. Buddy noticed her sadness and came over, wagging his tail.

Why was Lily feeling sad?

  • A) Buddy ran away
  • B) She lost her bracelet
  • C) She got a scratch on her knee
  • D) Her parents didn't listen to her
Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress feeling sad and Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears coming over to comfort her

Buddy could tell that Lily needed someone to listen to her. He sat beside her and looked into her eyes, as if saying, 'I'm here for you.' Lily started talking to Buddy about everything, from the shiny blue bracelet to her exciting day at the park.

Who did Lily talk to about her day?

  • A) Her stuffed bear
  • B) Her best friend
  • C) Buddy the dog
  • D) Her little brother
Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears sitting beside Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and looking into her eyes

The more Lily spoke, the more she felt better. Buddy listened patiently, wagging his tail and occasionally giving her a gentle lick on the cheek. Lily realized that Buddy was the best listener she could ever have.

How did Buddy show that he was listening?

  • A) By wagging his tail and giving gentle licks
  • B) By jumping around
  • C) By barking loudly
  • D) By falling asleep
Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears listening to Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress with a wagging tail and gentle lick

From that day on, whenever Lily wanted to talk, she knew Buddy would be there to listen. Buddy taught Lily the importance of good listening and being there for others.

What did Buddy teach Lily?

  • A) The importance of taking naps
  • B) The importance of sharing toys
  • C) The importance of eating healthy food
  • D) The importance of good listening
Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears sitting together, emphasizing good listening

Lily and Buddy became the best of friends, always there for each other. They went on many adventures together and shared their secrets, knowing that true friendship meant being a good listener.

What did Lily and Buddy share with each other?

  • A) Their snacks
  • B) Their books
  • C) Their toys
  • D) Their secrets
Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears going on adventures and being best friends

And so, Lily and Buddy lived happily ever after, always listening and being there for each other.

How did Lily and Buddy live?

  • A) Fighting all the time
  • B) Ignoring each other
  • C) Annoying each other
  • D) Always listening and being there for each other
Little girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and Friendly dog with soft brown fur and floppy ears happily listening and being there for each other

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Buddy come over to Lily?
  • Who did Lily talk to about her day?
  • What did Buddy teach Lily?

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