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Budizzz and Cookie's Adventure
Budizzz ve Cookie'nin Macerası
Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear named Budizzz and a rabbit named Cookie. They lived together in a cozy forest surrounded by tall trees. Bir varmış bir yokmuş, Budizzz adında bir oyuncak ayı ve Cookie adında bir tavşan varmış. Uzun ağaçlarla çevrili şirin bir ormanda birlikte yaşıyorlardı.
In a cozy setting, depict a cheerful brown teddy bear with a beaming smile. The teddy bear is accessorized with a vibrant red scarf dotted with white polka dots. Beside the teddy bear, illustrate a fluffy rabbit with distinctively soft fur, exuding warmth and friendliness. The rabbit is elegantly draped in a blue scarf, adorned with white polka dots.
Every day, Budizzz and Cookie went on exciting adventures. They would explore the forest, jumping over fallen leaves and hiding behind bushes. Budizzz ve Cookie her gün heyecan verici maceralara atılıyorlardı. Düşen yaprakların üzerinden atlayarak ve çalıların arkasına saklanarak ormanı keşfederlerdi.
Brown teddy bear with a happy smile and Fluffy rabbit with soft fur are running together, with big smiles on their faces.
Sometimes, they would climb up a tree and look at the birds flying in the sky. They would wave hello and the birds would chirp back. Bazen bir ağaca tırmanıp gökyüzünde uçan kuşlara bakarlardı. Selam verirlerdi ve kuşlar da cıvıldayarak karşılık verirlerdi.
Brown teddy bear with a happy smile and Fluffy rabbit with soft fur are sitting on a tree branch, waving at the birds flying by.
One day, it started to rain. Budizzz and Cookie ran under a big mushroom to stay dry. They giggled and told each other funny jokes. Bir gün yağmur yağmaya başladı. Budizzz ve Cookie kuru kalmak için büyük bir mantarın altında koştular. Kıkırdayıp birbirlerine komik fıkralar anlattılar.
Brown teddy bear with a happy smile and Fluffy rabbit with soft fur are huddled together under a giant mushroom, laughing.
As the sun set and the stars appeared, Budizzz and Cookie knew it was time for bed. They walked back to their cozy home, holding hands. Güneş battığında ve yıldızlar ortaya çıktığında Budizz ve Cookie yatma zamanının geldiğini biliyordu. El ele tutuşarak rahat evlerine doğru yürüdüler.
Brown teddy bear with a happy smile and Fluffy rabbit with soft fur are walking towards their treehouse, holding hands and smiling.
Budizzz and Cookie brushed their teeth, put on their pajamas, and snuggled into their soft beds. They whispered 'Goodnight' to each other and closed their eyes, ready for sweet dreams. Budizzz ve Cookie dişlerini fırçaladılar, pijamalarını giydiler ve yumuşak yataklarına sokuldular. Birbirlerine 'İyi geceler' diye fısıldadılar ve tatlı rüyalara hazır bir şekilde gözlerini kapattılar.
Brown teddy bear with a happy smile and Fluffy rabbit with soft fur are brushing their teeth together, then getting ready for bed in their cozy room.

Reflection Questions

  • What did Budizzz and Cookie do during the day?
  • Where did they hide when it started to rain?
  • What did Budizzz and Cookie do before going to sleep?

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