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Bunny's Garden Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Benny.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. the bunny in a colorful garden

Benny loved to spend his days in the garden.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. hopping near flowers and plants

He would water the flowers, give seeds to the birds, and even help the ladybugs.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. watering flowers, bird eating seeds, ladybug on leaf

One day, a squirrel named Sammy came to the garden.

Playful squirrel with a bushy tail and a blue hat. the squirrel with a fluffy tail

Sammy was looking for acorns but couldn't find any.

Playful squirrel with a bushy tail and a blue hat. looking under tree leaves

Benny saw Sammy and asked if he needed help.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. asking Playful squirrel with a bushy tail and a blue hat. if he needs help

Together, they searched and found lots of acorns for Sammy.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. and Playful squirrel with a bushy tail and a blue hat. finding acorns in garden

From that day on, Benny and Sammy became great friends.

Friendly bunny with floppy ears and a orange carrot necklace. and Playful squirrel with a bushy tail and a blue hat. playing together in the garden

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Benny like to help other animals?
  • What did Benny and Sammy find together?
  • What lesson can we learn from Benny and Sammy's friendship?

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