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Bunny Grows Up Brave

Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny.

A little bunny named A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie sitting in grass

Benny was a very timid bunny who was scared of everything.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie hiding behind a tree, looking scared

He was scared of loud noises, tall trees, and even his own shadow.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie covering his ears, looking up at a tall tree, and jumping scared at his shadow

But Benny didn't want to be scared anymore.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie with a determined look on his face

He decided to be brave and face his fears.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie with a confident smile

First, Benny faced his fear of loud noises by listening to music.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie wearing headphones and dancing to music

Then, Benny climbed a small tree to conquer his fear of tall trees.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie climbing a small tree, looking proud

Finally, Benny played with his shadow to show that he wasn't scared anymore.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie laughing and playing with his shadow

Benny realized that being brave wasn't about never feeling scared, but about facing your fears with determination.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie sitting down, looking thoughtful

And from that day forward, Benny grew up to be a brave little bunny.

A little bunny with floppy ears, brown fur, and a red bowtie standing tall with a brave smile

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Benny scared of everything?
  • How did Benny show he was brave?
  • What did Benny learn about being brave?

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