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Butterfly in the Garden

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful butterfly named Flutter. She lived in a colorful garden with all kinds of flowers.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. in colorful garden with flowers

Flutter loved flying from flower to flower, but she wondered why they all smelled different. She decided to find out!

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. wonders about flower smells

First, Flutter went to the rose flower. It smelled sweet and fragrant, like a perfume.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. visits rose flower - sweet smell

Next, Flutter visited the lavender flower. Its smell was calming and reminded her of a peaceful meadow.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. visits lavender flower - calming smell

Then, Flutter went to the jasmine flower. It had a strong and exotic smell, like a tropical paradise.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. visits jasmine flower - exotic smell

After that, Flutter flew to the daisy flower. Its scent was fresh and clean, like the air after rain.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. visits daisy flower - fresh smell

Finally, Flutter visited the sunflower. It had a warm and sunny smell, just like a summer day.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. visits sunflower - warm smell

Flutter realized that each flower had its own special smell, just like how people have their own special talents.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. learns about flower smells and talents

She was happy to have learned something new and flew away, ready to explore more of the world.

Colorful wings, fluttering around the garden, with a happy smile. happy and ready to explore more

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Flutter want to learn about flower smells?
  • What were the different smells Flutter discovered in the garden?
  • What did Flutter realize about flowers and people?

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