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Cace's Zombie Adventure
La aventura zombi de Cace
Once upon a time, there was a brave 5-year-old boy named Cace. Había una vez un valiente niño de 5 años llamado Cace.

brave (adj.): showing no fear, willing to face danger with courage. Can you use 'brave' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with fine flat hair and a big smile is a black boy with fine flat hair and a big smile.
Cace loved going to school every day, especially because he loved reading books in the library. A Cace le encantaba ir a la escuela todos los días, especialmente porque le encantaba leer libros en la biblioteca.

library (n.): a place where books are kept for people to read. Can you use 'library' in a sentence?

The library is a cozy space filled with colorful books and comfy chairs.
One day, when Cace went to the library, he noticed something strange. The books were scattered all over, and the shelves were messy. Un día, cuando Cace fue a la biblioteca, notó algo extraño. Los libros estaban esparcidos por todos lados y los estantes estaban desordenados.

scattered (adj.): spread or thrown about in various random directions. Can you use 'scattered' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile is surprised to see scattered books and messy shelves in the library.
As Cace looked closer, he heard strange noises coming from behind the shelves. To his surprise, he found a group of zombies! Cuando Cace miró más de cerca, escuchó ruidos extraños provenientes de detrás de los estantes. ¡Para su sorpresa, encontró un grupo de zombies!

zombies (n.): undead creatures that are typically portrayed as reanimated corpses. Can you use 'zombies' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with big dark eyes and a big smile discovers a group of zombies with pale green skin and glowing red eyes.
Cace didn't panic. He knew he had to find a way to solve this problem. Cace no entró en pánico. Sabía que tenía que encontrar una manera de resolver este problema.

confidence (n.): a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's abilities or qualities. Can you use 'confidence' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile remains calm and confident, ready to solve the problem.
He quickly remembered a book he had read about friendly zombies. Cace went to the shelf, found the book, and started reading aloud. Rápidamente recordó un libro que había leído sobre zombis amigables. Cace fue al estante, encontró el libro y empezó a leer en voz alta.

knowledge (n.): information, understanding, or skill that you gain from experience or education. Can you use 'knowledge' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile uses his knowledge and finds a book about friendly zombies.
The zombies started to listen to Cace's words and slowly transformed into friendly creatures. They put the books back on the shelves. Los zombies comenzaron a escuchar las palabras de Cace y lentamente se transformaron en criaturas amigables. Volvieron a poner los libros en los estantes.

transform (v.): to change in form or appearance. Can you use 'transform' in a sentence?

The zombies change their behavior and help 5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile put the books back on the shelves.
Cace and the friendly zombies cleaned the library together. They laughed and had a lot of fun while organizing the books. Cace y los amigables zombies limpiaron la biblioteca juntos. Se rieron y se divirtieron mucho mientras organizaban los libros.

organize (v.): to arrange things in a planned and orderly way. Can you use 'organize' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile and the friendly zombies enjoy cleaning and organizing the library.
When Cace's teacher saw the library, she couldn't believe her eyes. She praised Cace for his problem-solving skills and bravery. Cuando la maestra de Cace vio la biblioteca, no podía creer lo que veía. Elogió a Cace por su valentía y su capacidad para resolver problemas.

admire (v.): to regard with respect or warm approval. Can you use 'admire' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile's teacher admires the clean and organized library and praises his problem-solving skills and bravery.
From that day on, Cace became a hero in his school, and the friendly zombies always helped him with his adventures. A partir de ese día, Cace se convirtió en un héroe en su escuela, y los amigables zombies siempre lo ayudaron en sus aventuras.

adventure (n.): an exciting or daring experience. Can you use 'adventure' in a sentence?

5-year-old black boy with curly hair and a big smile is hailed as a hero, and the friendly zombies become his trusted friends.

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