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Cactus and the Hug

Once upon a time, in a desert far away, there lived a lonely cactus.

Lonely cactus in the desert

The cactus had spiky green arms that prevented anyone from getting too close.

Cactus with spiky green arms

But deep down, the cactus longed for a warm and loving hug.

Cactus daydreaming about a hug

Every day, animals would pass by the cactus, but they were too scared to come near.

Animals passing by the cactus

One day, a wise owl landed on a nearby tree and noticed the sadness in the cactus' eyes.

Wise owl noticing the cactus

The owl asked the cactus, 'Why do you look so sad? What is it that you truly desire?'

Wise owl talking to the cactus

With a heavy heart, the cactus replied, 'I crave a hug, but my spiky arms scare everyone away.'

Cactus sharing its desire for a hug

The wise owl thought for a moment and came up with a brilliant plan.

Wise owl thinking of a plan

The next day, the owl gathered all the animals the cactus had ever seen.

Animals gathered near the cactus

One by one, they carefully hugged the cactus, proving that love can conquer fear.

Animals hugging the cactus

Reflection Questions

  • How did the cactus feel in the beginning of the story?
  • Who came up with a plan to help the cactus?
  • What did the animals prove in the end?

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