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Cadhla and the Flying Unicorn

Cadhla and the unicorn flew through the sky.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. and White unicorn with sparkly purple wings and a golden horn. flying through the sky

They soared above fluffy white clouds.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. and White unicorn with sparkly purple wings and a golden horn. flying above fluffy clouds

Cadhla was excited to see aunty Bridie.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. with a big smile looking at Friendly woman with curly red hair, wearing a colorful apron.

She landed in front of Bridie's colorful house.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. and White unicorn with sparkly purple wings and a golden horn. in front of Bridie's colorful house

Cadhla knocked on the door with confidence.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. knocking on the door with a confident face

The door swung open, and Cadhla hugged her aunty.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. hugging her aunty with a happy face

They all sat down for a delicious dinner.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress., White unicorn with sparkly purple wings and a golden horn., and family having dinner together

Cadhla knew that she could do anything.

Small girl with brown hair, wearing a colorful dress. smiling brightly with a feeling of confidence

Reflection Questions

  • Was Cadhla happy to see aunty Bridie?
  • Did Cadhla feel confident when she knocked on the door?
  • How did Cadhla feel at the end of the story?

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