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Cadhla and the Flying Unicorn

Cadhla hopped onto the unicorn's back. They soared through the sky.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress and a White with a rainbow-colored mane flying in the sky

Cadhla laughed as the wind rushed through her hair.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress smiling on the White with a rainbow-colored mane's back

They flew over green fields and sparkling rivers.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress and the White with a rainbow-colored mane flying over beautiful landscapes

Cadhla's aunt Bridie's house appeared in the distance.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress looking at her aunt's house from above

The unicorn landed gracefully in the backyard.

The White with a rainbow-colored mane landing in the backyard

Cadhla confidently knocked on the front door.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress knocking on the front door

Aunt Bridie welcomed Cadhla with a big hug.

Aunt Bridie hugging Curly-haired girl in a blue dress

Cadhla smiled, knowing she had found her way with confidence.

Curly-haired girl in a blue dress smiling with confidence

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cadhla feel when she flew with the unicorn?
  • Where did Cadhla and the unicorn fly over?
  • How did Cadhla feel when Aunt Bridie hugged her?

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