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Caluga Astronauta: ¡A la luna por un quesito!

Caluga the astronaut cat had a big dream.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit wearing a space suit, looking determined

He wanted to go to the moon and eat cheese.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit flying in a spaceship with moon and cheese

Caluga built a spaceship in his backyard.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit with tools and spaceship parts

He blasted off into space, meowing with joy.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit in a spaceship, waving and smiling

As he flew, he encountered friendly aliens.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit with colorful aliens around him

They gave him moon cheese and wished him luck.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit with aliens, exchanging cheese and good wishes

Caluga landed on the moon, ready to eat.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit on the moon, holding a big piece of cheese

He took a big bite and it was delicious.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit with a piece of cheese, smiling and eating

Caluga the astronaut cat fulfilled his dream.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit surrounded by stars, looking proud and happy

And he realized that dreams really do come true.

A white cat wearing a blue space suit looking at stars and dreams, feeling inspired

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