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Cambria's Candy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cambria. She was always curious and loved to explore. One sunny day, she discovered a magical portal that led to a world made entirely of candy!

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes standing in front of a big, colorful portal with candies all around her

Cambria couldn't believe her eyes as she stepped into the candy world. It was filled with lollipop trees, marshmallow clouds, and rivers of chocolate. She was in awe!

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes surrounded by lollipop trees, marshmallow clouds, and a chocolate river

As Cambria explored the candy world, she met her brothers, cousins, and their friends, the Coopers. They all had big smiles on their faces and were just as amazed as she was.

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes with her brothers, cousins, and the Coopers, all smiling and pointing at different candies

They spent the whole day playing games and eating delicious candy. They even met unicorns that lived in the candy world! The unicorns had colorful manes and friendly eyes.

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes, her brothers, cousins, and the Coopers surrounded by unicorns with colorful manes

At the end of the day, as the sun set in the candy sky, Cambria realized something important. Even though the candy world was fun, it was the friendship she had with her brothers, cousins, and the Coopers that made her happiest.

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes hugging her brothers, cousins, and the Coopers under a beautiful candy sky

With that realization, Cambria and her loved ones bid farewell to the candy world and returned home. They knew that no matter where they went or what adventures they had, their friendship would always be the sweetest thing of all.

Curly brown hair, happy brown eyes and her loved ones waving goodbye to the candy world and walking towards their home

Reflection Questions

  • 1. What did Cambria discover one sunny day?
  • 2. What did Cambria and her loved ones do in the candy world?
  • 3. What was the most important thing Cambria realized at the end of the day?

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