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Captain Underpants and the Magical Cape

George and Harold found a magical cape in the attic.

Two mischievous boys with dark hair and glasses. find magical cape in attic

When they put it on, they became Captain Underpants!

Two mischievous boys with dark hair and glasses. turn into A superhero in white briefs with a red cape.

They flew around the city, saving people from danger.

A superhero in white briefs with a red cape. flying and saving people in city

But an evil villain appeared and took away their powers.

A tall figure in a black cape with glowing eyes. takes away A superhero in white briefs with a red cape.' powers

George and Harold had to find a way to defeat the villain.

Two mischievous boys with dark hair and glasses. try to defeat the villain

They discovered a hidden book with a spell to restore their powers.

Hidden book with spell to restore their powers

With their powers back, they defeated the villain and saved the day.

A superhero in white briefs with a red cape. defeats villain and saves the day

George and Harold realized that anyone can be a hero.

Two mischievous boys with dark hair and glasses. learn anyone can be a hero

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