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Car's Determination

Car, a bright red vehicle, dreams of racing with the wind.

A red car with black wheels and a determined expression.

But everyone tells Car it's too small and slow to race.

A bright red vehicle with black wheels and determined eyes. surrounded by larger vehicles, each scoffing at Car.

Undeterred, Car practices day and night, revving its engine and zooming around.

A bright red vehicle with black wheels and determined eyes. honking, swirling on a race track, determined eyes glowing.

Finally, the day of the big race arrives. Car lines up with powerful competitors.

A bright red vehicle with black wheels and determined eyes. positioned at the starting line with intimidating vehicles beside it.

The race begins, and Car accelerates, surprising everyone with its speed.

A bright red vehicle with black wheels and determined eyes. zipping past astonished competitors, leaving smoke in its wake.

Reflection Questions

  • How does Car feel when everyone tells it that it's too small and slow to race?
  • How does Car prepare for the big race?
  • What happens when the race starts?

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