Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom filled with vibrant colors, there lived a little unicorn named Carlitos. He had a rainbow-colored mane and a sparkly horn that shimmered in the sunlight. Carlitos loved to play and explore, but he had a habit of being very vocal and bossy.
Every day, Carlitos he was shouting and bossing around, telling everyone what to do and how to do it. He would shout and demand, expecting others to follow his every order. This made his classmates unhappy, and they began to avoid him.
One day, while playing alone, Carlitos realized that no one wanted to talk to him or be his friend. He felt sad and confused. Then, he met a wise old owl who shared some important advice with him. 'To have friends, you must learn to listen, be patient, and ask nicely,' said the old owl.
Carlitos took the wise old owl's words to heart. He started to ask others to play with him in a friendly voice and waited for their response. He even listened to what his friends wanted to do and joined in without being bossy. To his surprise, his classmates began to enjoy his company.
As days went by, Carlitos became one of the most beloved unicorns in the kingdom. He made many friends and had a wonderful time playing and laughing with others. He had learned that positive communication and respecting others' wishes made everyone happy.
Reflection Questions