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Carlos Luis and the Adventures with Cinderace

Carlos Luis lived in Neuquén, Argentina. He had a little brother, Bebe Elias Alejandro, and a dog named Coco.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt, Cute baby with curly hair and green romper, and Adorable dog with brown fur and red collar playing

Carlos Luis loved Pokémon and his favorite was Cinderace.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt with a big smile holding a Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression card

One day, when his mom, Dr. Josmary, had to work, Carlos Luis and Bebe Elias Alejandro stayed home with their dad, Carlos Alberto.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt, Cute baby with curly hair and green romper, and Carlos Alberto together

Carlos Luis and Cinderace had a special power: they could understand each other.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt talking to Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression with a thought bubble

They decided to go on an adventure to find a lost treasure in the backyard.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt and Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression holding a treasure map

With Coco by their side, they searched for clues and dug up the yard.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt, Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression, and Adorable dog with brown fur and red collar digging with shovels

After hours of searching, they finally found the treasure chest!

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt, Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression, and Adorable dog with brown fur and red collar cheering with a treasure chest

Carlos Luis felt proud of himself for being brave and confident.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt standing tall with a proud smile

They opened the chest and inside were golden coins and shiny stones.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt, Fiery red and white Pokémon with a determined expression, and Adorable dog with brown fur and red collar finding treasure in the chest

Carlos Luis realized that with confidence, he could overcome any challenge.

Happy boy with brown hair and blue shirt looking determined with a thought bubble of his future adventures

Reflection Questions

  • How did Carlos Luis feel when he found the treasure?
  • Who helped Carlos Luis on the adventure?
  • What did Carlos Luis learn from his adventure?

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