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Case and Wilbur's Adventure

Case went to the fair and saw a giant pig named Wilbur.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls sees Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile the giant pig at the fair

Case couldn't believe his eyes and he approached Wilbur.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls walks towards Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile with surprise on his face

"Hello, there!" Case said, trying to start a conversation.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls greets Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile with a big smile

Wilbur looked down at Case and smiled back at him.

Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile looks kindly at Boy with brown hair and blue overalls

They spent the whole day together, playing and laughing.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls and Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile having fun at the fair

People were amazed by their bond and took pictures.

People taking pictures of Boy with brown hair and blue overalls and Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile's friendship

When it was time to go home, Case promised to visit Wilbur again.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls and Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile saying goodbye with a promise

Their friendship lasted forever, and they had many more adventures.

Boy with brown hair and blue overalls and Giant pig with pink skin and a friendly smile on a new adventure together

Reflection Questions

  • How did Case feel when he saw Wilbur?
  • What did Case and Wilbur do all day at the fair?
  • What promise did Case make to Wilbur?

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