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Case of the Missing Rainbows

Once upon a time, there was a magical land called Rainbowville where colorful rainbows filled the sky every day.

A colorful illustration of a beautiful land with rainbows

But one day, all the rainbows disappeared! The people of Rainbowville were sad and confused.

A sad illustration of the people looking up at a dull, empty sky

The townspeople decided something had to be done, so they formed a Rainbow Investigation Team (RIT).

An illustration of the townspeople with their detective hats

The RIT, consisting of Ruby the Red, Ollie the Orange, Yara the Yellow, Granny Green, and Benjie the Blue, set off on a quest to solve the mystery.

An illustration of the team of detectives standing together

They searched high and low, interviewing clouds, talking to birds, and even questioning the sun.

An illustration of the RIT searching for clues in the sky

Finally, after days of investigation, they discovered a mischievous leprechaun named Larry who had stolen the rainbows to make a rainbow potion.

An illustration of the leprechaun with the stolen rainbows

The RIT persuaded Larry that stealing the rainbows made everyone sad and convinced him to return them.

An illustration of the team negotiating with Larry

Larry realized his mistake and apologized. He used his magic to bring back the rainbows to Rainbowville.

An illustration of Larry using magic to restore the rainbows

The people of Rainbowville were overjoyed. They thanked the RIT and celebrated with a colorful parade.

An illustration of the people of Rainbowville celebrating with a parade

From that day forward, the people of Rainbowville appreciated the beauty of the rainbows even more and lived happily ever after.

A happy illustration of the people enjoying the rainbows

Reflection Questions

  • How did the people of Rainbowville feel when the rainbows disappeared?
  • Who was the mischievous leprechaun that stole the rainbows?
  • What did Larry do to make everyone happy again?

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