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Cat and Dog's Friendship

Cat and Dog lived in a cozy house.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar and dog inside cozy house

Cat played with yarn, Dog wagged his tail.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar playing with yarn, Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail wagging tail

They chased butterflies and barked at squirrels.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar and Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail chasing butterflies, barking at squirrels

One day, Cat got stuck in a tall tree.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar stuck in tall tree

Dog bravely barked until a boy came.

Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail barking, boy coming to help

Cat was safe, and Dog felt proud.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar safe, Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail feeling proud

From that day on, Cat and Dog were best friends.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar and Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail as best friends

They shared treats, cuddled, and played together.

Gray cat with green eyes, wearing a pink collar and Brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail sharing treats, cuddling, playing

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Dog bark when Cat got stuck?
  • What did Cat and Dog like to do together?
  • What happened after Cat got stuck in the tree?

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