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Cat and Dog's Great Escape

One sunny day, Cat and Dog were playing in the park.

Bright colors, green grass, blue sky, happy animals

Suddenly, they heard a loud howl. It was a scary wolf!

Dark colors, fearful expressions, wolf silhouette in background

Cat and Dog knew they had to run away from the wolf quickly.

Running, determined expressions, wolf chasing them from behind

They saw a tall tree and decided to climb up to safety.

Tree trunk, branches, Fluffy white cat with green eyes and a red collar and Friendly brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail climbing up

The wolf tried to reach them, but he couldn't climb the tree.

Fierce gray wolf with sharp teeth and glowing yellow eyes jumping, scratching the tree trunk but unable to reach them

Cat and Dog stayed on the tree until the wolf gave up.

Fluffy white cat with green eyes and a red collar and Friendly brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail on branches, wolf walking away in defeat

Once the coast was clear, Cat and Dog climbed down and ran home.

Fluffy white cat with green eyes and a red collar and Friendly brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail running happily, wolf nowhere to be seen

They were proud of solving their problem and staying safe.

Fluffy white cat with green eyes and a red collar and Friendly brown dog with floppy ears and a wagging tail smiling, giving each other a high-five

Reflection Questions

  • What should you do when you have a problem?
  • Why did the wolf give up?
  • How did Cat and Dog feel at the end of the story?

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