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Cat and Elephant's Adventure

One sunny day, Cat and Elephant decided to go on an adventure.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. walking together under a bright blue sky.

They walked through a forest, where they saw colorful butterflies.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. surrounded by vibrant butterflies in the forest.

Next, they reached a sparkling river and played in the cool water.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. happily splashing and playing in the river.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was a scary lion!

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat.'s fearful expressions upon seeing the lion.

But Elephant trumpeted loudly, scaring the lion away.

Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. trumpeting and lion running away in fear.

Cat and Elephant were relieved and continued their adventure.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. smiling and walking together after scaring the lion.

They climbed a tall mountain and saw a beautiful rainbow.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. pointing happily at the colorful rainbow.

Finally, they returned home and shared their exciting adventure.

Fluffy cat with orange fur and a little red bow. and Friendly elephant with gray skin and a polka-dot hat. sitting together, sharing their adventure with big smiles.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Cat and Elephant felt when they saw the scary lion?
  • What did Elephant do to scare the lion away?
  • What was your favorite part of Cat and Elephant's adventure?

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