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Cat and the Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Charlie. Charlie was friends with a little mouse named Molly. They loved playing together in the garden.

What is the name of the cat in the story?

  • A) Tom
  • B) Molly
  • C) Jerry
  • D) Charlie
Charlie - Orange cat with green eyes and a friendly smile and mouse playing in the colorful garden.

One sunny day, Molly accidentally broke Mrs. Johnson's favorite teapot. She was scared to admit it, so she told Charlie a fib. 'Charlie, I didn't do it!' Molly said.

What did Molly accidentally break?

  • A) Baseball
  • B) Teapot
  • C) Flowerpot
  • D) Cake
Molly looking worried, Charlie looking concerned.

Charlie knew Molly was lying, but he didn't want her to feel scared. Instead, he encouraged Molly to tell the truth. 'Molly, it's important to be honest. Let's go tell Mrs. Johnson together,' Charlie said.

What did Charlie encourage Molly to do?

  • A) Ignore the problem
  • B) Keep lying
  • C) Run away
  • D) Tell the truth
Charlie comforting Molly, both walking to Mrs. Johnson's house.

When they reached Mrs. Johnson's house, Molly apologized and admitted what happened. Mrs. Johnson was sad about her teapot, but she appreciated Molly's honesty. 'Thank you for telling the truth, Molly,' said Mrs. Johnson.

Who appreciated Molly's honesty?

  • A) Tom
  • B) Charlie
  • C) Jerry
  • D) Mrs. Johnson
Molly apologizing and Mrs. Johnson forgiving her.

From that day on, Molly learned that honesty is always the best policy. She promised to be truthful in all situations, and Charlie was proud of her.

What did Molly promise to be?

  • A) Silly
  • B) Quiet
  • C) Dishonest
  • D) Truthful
Molly and Charlie smiling and hugging each other.

Reflection Questions

  • What can we learn from the story?
  • Why is it important to be honest?
  • How did Charlie support Molly?

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