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Cat Helps Dog

One day, Dog was feeling very sad.

Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face with a frown sitting by a tree

Cat saw Dog and asked, 'Why are you sad?'

Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile talking to Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face by the tree

Dog said, 'I lost my favorite bone.'

Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face pointing to his empty mouth sadly

Cat said, 'Don't worry, I will help you.'

Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile smiling and patting Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face's shoulder

Cat sniffed the ground and followed the scent.

Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile with a determined look, sniffing the ground

Finally, Cat found the bone hidden in the bushes!

Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile holding the bone triumphantly

Dog was so happy! He wagged his tail and thanked Cat.

Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face jumping around happily while Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile watches

From that day on, Dog and Cat became best friends.

Brown dog with floppy ears and a sad face and Grey cat with bright green eyes and a kind smile hugging and smiling

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Dog feeling sad?
  • What did Cat do to help Dog?
  • What happened at the end of the story?

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