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Cat learns the ABCs

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, there lived a clever Cat.

A small, striped A small, striped Cat wearing glasses sitting on a fluffy cushion.

One sunny morning, Cat found a book full of letters, and it was called ABCD.

A small, striped Cat wearing glasses holding an open book with colorful letters on the pages.

Cat was curious and wanted to learn all the letters.

A small, striped Cat wearing glasses wearing glasses, surrounded by floating letters of all shapes and sizes.

So Cat sat down and started reading, 'A is for Apple, B is for Ball, C is for Cat.'

A small, striped Cat wearing glasses reading aloud, pointing at each letter in the book.

Cat practiced with determination, saying the letters aloud, and soon knew them all.

A small, striped Cat wearing glasses jumping happily amidst a shower of letters, spelling out words in mid-air.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cat feel when discovering the ABCD book?
  • What did Cat do to learn the letters?
  • Why was Cat so happy at the end?

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