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Cat's Listening Adventure

Once upon a sunny day, in a little town, there was a curious cat named Whiskers.

Curious cat with orange fur and bright green eyes the cat with orange fur and bright green eyes

Whiskers loved to explore the neighborhood, but sometimes got into mischief. One day, while strolling near the park, Whiskers heard a faint voice coming from a tree.

Curious cat with orange fur and bright green eyes hanging from a tree, listening intently

It was a tiny bird named Tweetie, who was worried about finding her nest. She chirped, 'Oh, dear! I've lost my way home!'

Tiny yellow bird with blue wings the yellow bird with blue wings, perched on a branch

Whiskers, being a good listener, asked, 'Where did you last see your nest, Tweetie?'

Curious cat with orange fur and bright green eyes with wide eyes, asking Tiny yellow bird with blue wings

With a grateful smile, Tweetie replied, 'I saw my nest near the tall oak tree by the playground. Can you help me find it?'

Tiny yellow bird with blue wings and Curious cat with orange fur and bright green eyes setting off together on an adventure

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Whiskers love to explore the neighborhood?
  • Who did Whiskers hear calling from the tree?
  • What did Whiskers do to help Tweetie find her nest?

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