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CB and the Sad Little Squirrel

One sunny day, CB the kind-hearted bear saw a sad little squirrel.

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf with a big smile, A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat with a frown

CB asked the squirrel, 'Why are you feeling so sad?'

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf looking concerned, A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat looking downcast

The squirrel replied, 'I lost my favorite acorn and I am afraid I'll never find it.'

Squirrel looking worried, A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf with a comforting paw on A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat's shoulder

CB thought for a moment and said, 'I will help you find your acorn!'

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf with a determined expression, A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat looking hopeful

They searched high and low, but the acorn was nowhere to be found.

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf and A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat looking disappointed, searching in different places

CB didn't give up. 'Let's go ask our furry forest friends!'

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf and A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat with excitement, other animals gathered around

Their furry friends helped search, and finally, the acorn was found!

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf and A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat jumping with joy, forest animals celebrating

CB and the squirrel became best friends, and they always helped others in need.

A friendly bear with a big heart, wearing a colorful scarf and A tiny squirrel with a fluffy tail, wearing a striped hat with smiles, surrounded by happy forest animals

Reflection Questions

  • How was CB's personality described in the story?
  • Why was the squirrel feeling sad?
  • What did CB and their friends do to help the squirrel?

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