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Cece and Her Little Cat

Cece had a little cat, oh so sweet, With fur as black as midnight, from head to feet. She loved her cat with all her heart, But she knew it was a big responsibility from the start. Every day, Cece fed her kitty, She made sure it had something yummy and gritty. She gave it water, nice and clean, To keep her little feline friend not lean.

Cece had a little cat, oh so sweet,
With fur as black as midnight, from head to feet.
She loved her cat with all her heart,
But she knew it was a big responsibility from the start. Every day, Cece fed her kitty,
She made sure it had something yummy and gritty.
She gave it water, nice and clean,
To keep her little feline friend not lean.

Cece had a little cat, so fluffy and small, But she knew it needed more than just a ball. She played with it, morning 'til night, To keep it entertained, oh what a delight! She cleaned up after it, just like Mom, Keeping its litter box tidy and calm. She knew that pets need a clean place to go, To keep them healthy and happy, this she did know.

Cece had a little cat, so fluffy and small,
But she knew it needed more than just a ball.
She played with it, morning 'til night,
To keep it entertained, oh what a delight! She cleaned up after it, just like Mom,
Keeping its litter box tidy and calm.
She knew that pets need a clean place to go,
To keep them healthy and happy, this she did know.

Cece had a little cat, her joy and pride, But she knew it needed a place to hide. She made a cozy bed with pillows and sheets, To give her furry friend sweet dreams, oh so neat! She took her cat to the vet, without delay, For check-ups and shots, she learned to say. Keeping her pet healthy was very key, To ensure its happiness and life with glee.

Cece had a little cat, her joy and pride,
But she knew it needed a place to hide.
She made a cozy bed with pillows and sheets,
To give her furry friend sweet dreams, oh so neat! She took her cat to the vet, without delay,
For check-ups and shots, she learned to say.
Keeping her pet healthy was very key,
To ensure its happiness and life with glee.

Cece had a little cat, a bond so strong, She knew that having a pet was never wrong. She learned about responsibility each day, And how it made her and her kitty say, "Hooray!" So if you dream of having a little pet, Remember, it's a big task you should not forget. Take care of them, love them, and make them feel, That with you as their owner, it's a perfect deal!

Cece had a little cat, a bond so strong,
She knew that having a pet was never wrong.
She learned about responsibility each day,
And how it made her and her kitty say, "Hooray!" So if you dream of having a little pet,
Remember, it's a big task you should not forget.
Take care of them, love them, and make them feel,
That with you as their owner, it's a perfect deal!

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cece show her love for her cat?
  • What responsibilities did Cece have as a pet owner?
  • Why is it important to take care of pets?

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