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Chaarvi and Paardhi

Chaarvi and Paardhi were brothers and sisters.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow and Paardhi - a quiet boy with glasses standing side by side

Chaarvi loved to talk, but Paardhi loved to listen.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow and Paardhi - a quiet boy with glasses chatting and listening respectively

One day, they went for a picnic with their friends.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow, Paardhi - a quiet boy with glasses, and friends playing at a picnic

Chaarvi kept talking and didn't notice the beautiful flowers.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow talking while missing the colorful flowers

Paardhi listened carefully and heard the birds singing.

Paardhi - a quiet boy with glasses listening to birds with a smile

Chaarvi realized she was missing out and decided to listen.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow closing her mouth and paying attention

She heard the wind whisper and saw the butterflies dancing.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow listening while butterflies fly around her

Chaarvi and Paardhi learned the importance of good listening.

Chaarvi - a talkative girl with a pink bow and Paardhi - a quiet boy with glasses hugging with smiles on their faces

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Chaarvi love to talk?
  • What happened when Chaarvi didn't listen?
  • What did Chaarvi and Paardhi learn in the end?

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