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Chandra's Moon Adventure

Chandra stands on a rooftop overlooking the city.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat looks out over the city at night

The moon shines brightly in the night sky.

Bright moon glowing in the dark sky

Chandra puts on his moon-tagged hat.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat wearing a hat with a moon tag

Chandra notices a commotion in the streets.

People gathering and running frantically in the streets

Chandra quickly descends from the rooftop.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat climbing down the building

Chandra discovers a lost puppy in the chaos.

Cute puppy sitting alone on the sidewalk

Chandra decides to help find the puppy's owner.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat determined to reunite puppy with its owner

Chandra uses his moon-tagged hat to catch the puppy's attention.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat waving the moon-tagged hat to get puppy's attention

The puppy's owner sees Chandra and runs over.

Cute puppy with fluffy golden fur's owner running happily towards little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat and the puppy

Chandra smiles as the puppy is reunited with its owner.

little boy with short hair and moon-tagged hat standing with a smile as puppy and owner are together again

Reflection Questions

  • Why does Chandra notice a commotion in the streets?
  • How does Chandra use his moon-tagged hat to help?
  • How does Chandra feel when the puppy is reunited?

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