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Chapter 1: The Academy

In the year 3023, humanity has colonized several planets in the galaxy.

A futuristic cityscape with spaceships and planets in the background, vibrant colors

In Nova Prime, a bustling city, four young students eagerly await their acceptance into Galactech Academy.

Four teenagers standing in front of a grand entrance, excitement in their eyes, vibrant colors

Aaryan is a brilliant mathematician with a passion for astrophysics.

Brilliant mathematician, loves astrophysics, blue and white colors with a calculator in his hand, surrounded by mathematical equations, blue and white colors

Anya is a gifted biologist fascinated by alien life forms.

Gifted biologist, fascinated by alien life, green and purple colors holding a microscope, observing a colorful alien creature, green and purple colors

Rohan is a tech-savvy engineer who dreams of building advanced spacecraft.

Tech-savvy engineer, dreams of building advanced spacecraft, orange and silver colors wearing a tool belt, working on a small spaceship prototype, orange and silver colors

Lola is a curious archaeologist who yearns to uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations.

Curious archaeologist, seeks the secrets of ancient civilizations, brown and gold colors holding a magnifying glass, examining an ancient artifact, brown and gold colors

They arrive at the academy and are greeted by their teachers, Professor Orion and Professor Nova.

A welcoming scene where Orion and Nova shake hands with the students, warm colors

They quickly form a bond, united by their love for math and science.

Four students sitting together, discussing equations and diagrams, vibrant colors

Reflection Questions

  • How do the students feel about their acceptance into Galactech Academy?
  • What are the students' individual passions?
  • How did the students connect with their teachers?

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