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Charlie and Lola's Lakeshore Mystery

Charlie and Lola went on vacation to a beautiful lakeshore. The sun was shining, and the water sparkled like diamonds. They decided to skip rocks and see who could make the most skips.

Charlie - boy with brown hair and blue eyes and Lola - girl with blonde hair and green eyes at the lakeshore, sunny day, sparkling water

Charlie picked up a smooth stone and gave it a big throw. It skipped once, twice, and then, to their surprise, it skipped back to them! They both gasped in astonishment.

Charlie - boy with brown hair and blue eyes throwing the stone, Lola - girl with blonde hair and green eyes watching in awe

Lola thought maybe the stone was magical, so she tried skipping it, but the same thing happened – it skipped back! They couldn't believe their eyes and began to wonder what could be the cause.

Lola - girl with blonde hair and green eyes trying to skip the stone, Charlie - boy with brown hair and blue eyes scratching his head

They carefully inspected the stone and noticed a tiny inscription that said, 'Make a wish, and I'll come back to you.' Excitedly, both Charlie and Lola closed their eyes and made a wish before gently tossing the stone again.

Charlie - boy with brown hair and blue eyes and Lola - girl with blonde hair and green eyes examining the stone, wishing with closed eyes

This time, the stone skipped away and didn't come back. They watched it disappear into the distance and giggled with joy. The mystery was solved, and they were left with magical memories of their lakeshore adventure.

Charlie - boy with brown hair and blue eyes and Lola - girl with blonde hair and green eyes laughing, stone skipping away

Reflection Questions

  • What did Charlie and Lola discover when they skipped stones?
  • What did the inscription on the stone say?
  • How did Charlie and Lola feel when the stone skipped back to them?

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