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Charlie's Big Adventure

Charlie loved to travel and explore new places.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack holding a map and suitcase, ready to go

One day, Charlie decided to fly to a warm country.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack sitting in an airplane, looking excited

But Charlie realized he needed to pack his bag first.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack putting clothes and sunscreen into his bag

He packed a hat, sunglasses, and even a beach ball.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack with a hat and sunglasses, carrying a beach ball

Before leaving, Charlie checked his passport and tickets.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack holding passport and tickets, looking responsible

Finally, it was time for Charlie to go to the airport.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack waving goodbye to his family, ready to go

On the airplane, Charlie watched the clouds and felt excited.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack looking out of the airplane window, smiling

Charlie had a great time on his adventure and learned that being responsible is important.

A boy with blonde hair, wearing a red backpack holding a magnifying glass, discovering new things

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Charlie need to pack his bag?
  • What did Charlie check before leaving?
  • What did Charlie learn on his adventure?

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