Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a boy named Theo. He dreamed of finding a lost star.
Theo had a magic telescope that could see far into the universe. He believed the lost star was waiting for him.
Every night, Theo gazed at the night sky, searching for a glimmer of the lost star. His eyes sparkled with hope.
One clear night, Theo spotted a faint light twinkling in the distance. It must be the lost star! Theo's heart raced.
Theo quickly packed some snacks and set off on a cosmic adventure to find the lost star with his trusty telescope.
As Theo journeyed through the galaxy, he encountered friendly alien creatures who guided him towards the lost star.
After a long and thrilling journey, Theo reached the lost star. It shimmered with breathtaking beauty in the night sky.
The lost star thanked Theo for seeking it out and promised to shine brighter than ever. Theo returned home, triumphant.
From that day on, whenever Theo looked at the night sky, he knew the lost star was watching over him. He smiled.
Reflection Questions