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Chiara lava i denti

Chiara lava i denti ogni mattina.

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. brushing her teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush

Lei usa lo spazzolino rosa.

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. uses a pink toothbrush

E lo spazzolino elettrico.

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. uses an electric toothbrush

Prima di dormire, lava i denti.

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. brushes her teeth before sleeping

La sua mamma dice che è importante!

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas.'s mom tells her it's important!

Il dentista dice di spazzolare per 2 minuti.

Dentist advises brushing for 2 minutes

Ogni dente deve essere pulito bene.

Each tooth must be cleaned well

Chiara non vuole avere buchi nei denti.

Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. doesn't want cavities

Lavarsi i denti fa sorridere Chiara!

Brushing teeth makes Little girl with brown pigtails, wearing pink pajamas. smile!

L'igiene orale è importante per tutti.

Oral hygiene is important for everyone

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