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Children's Dreams

Lily and Max dreamed of growing up.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression holding hands and looking up

Lily wanted to be a doctor.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile wearing a white coat and holding a stethoscope

Max dreamed of being a firefighter.

Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression wearing a red fire hat and holding a hose

They asked their parents for advice.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression talking to their parents

Their parents told them to work hard.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression studying and doing chores

They learned about kindness and helping others.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression helping their friends

Lily and Max helped their neighbors.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression carrying groceries for their neighbors

Max learned about bravery and teamwork.

Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression practicing with other firefighters

Lily learned about patience and compassion.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile comforting a sick girl

Finally, Lily became a doctor and Max a firefighter.

Long dark hair, pink glasses, caring smile with a doctor's coat and Short blonde hair, freckles, determined expression with a firefighter's hat

Reflection Questions

  • What did Lily want to be?
  • What did Max learn about?
  • What values did Lily and Max learn?

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