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Chitransh's Brush with Confidence

Chitransh moved to Mumbai to pursue his painting dream.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains with his paintbrush, standing in front of Mumbai skyline

He struggled to find a place to paint in crowded Mumbai.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains looking disappointed in a messy and crowded room

Chitransh met a fellow artist who showed him a secret rooftop studio.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains and his new artist friend unlocking a door to a hidden rooftop studio

He started painting his heart out and gaining confidence.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains smiling and confidently painting on a canvas

But a famous art critic harshly criticized Chitransh's work.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains looking sad while reading a negative review

Feeling demoralized, he wanted to give up his dream.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains with a sad expression, holding a broken paintbrush

His friends and family encouraged him not to lose hope.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains surrounded by friends and family offering support

Chitransh realized that confidence comes from within.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains looking determined and holding a paint palette

He continued painting, embracing his unique style proudly.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains painting confidently, surrounded by his vibrant and unique artwork

Chitransh's paintings became a sensation, inspiring others.

Young artist with messy hair, colorful clothes, and paint stains's artwork displayed in an art gallery with people admiring

Reflection Questions

  • What challenges did Chitransh face in Mumbai?
  • How did Chitransh find confidence in himself?
  • What happened when Chitransh embraced his unique style?

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