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Chota Bheem and Doremon's Fun Day

Chota Bheem and Doremon were best friends.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets holding hands, smiling

One sunny day, they decided to have some fun.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets playing in a park

They played hide and seek and laughed a lot.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets hiding behind trees, laughing

They jumped in puddles and got all wet.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets jumping in puddles, splashing water

They had a water fight and made a big mess.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets throwing water balloons, laughing

After their fun, they helped each other clean up.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets cleaning the mess, smiling

They were tired but happy, as true friends would be.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets sitting together, smiling

Chota Bheem and Doremon promised to have more fun together.

Strong and brave boy who wears a green tunic and Cute blue cat robot from the future with magical gadgets giving a high-five, smiling

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Chota Bheem and Doremon have fun together?
  • What did they do in the park?
  • Why is it important to help each other?

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