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Ciao and the Magic Words

Ciao loved to talk to everyone she met.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling walking and talking with different people

One day, Ciao met a kind old man named Mr. Smith.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling and Mr Smith sitting on a park bench

Ciao and Mr. Smith had a great conversation.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling and Mr Smith smiling and laughing

As Ciao said goodbye, Mr. Smith smiled and said, 'Thank you for your kind words, Ciao.'

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling and Mr Smith shaking hands

Ciao realized how powerful her words could be.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling standing with a thought bubble

From that day on, Ciao made an effort to always use kind and positive words.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling choosing kind words from a jar

Ciao's positive communication made her friends happier and closer.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling and friends laughing and talking

Ciao's magic words brought joy and positivity to everyone she met.

Brown-haired girl with glasses, always smiling surrounded by happy people

Reflection Questions

  • What did Ciao learn from her conversation with Mr. Smith?
  • How did Ciao start using positive words?
  • How did Ciao's positive communication impact her friendships?

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