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Cici's Dream Journey

In a cozy house in China, Cici lived with her father Rongle and mother Cynthia. Every wall in their home was lined with photos and paintings from faraway lands. Rongle often shared thrilling stories from his travels before he became a dad, and Cynthia would read tales of ancient wonders at bedtime. Cici, with her sparkling eyes, would listen intently, her mind soaring across the globe, she imagine what it would be like to visit such faraway places.

An happy chinese girl in her home with pictures of places around the world bright eyes and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

Cici, A 11 year old chinese little girl now eleven, had a world map in her room circled with all the places she yearned to visit. One evening, while tracing the map with her finger, she stopped at Sri Lanka. 'Imagine visiting the sacred temples there,' she thought, envisioning the Temple of the Tooth.

An energetic chinese girl with bright eyes and an eager smile's in her bedroom looking at a map of the world pointing to sri lanka introduction to her dreams.

The next stop on her finger's tour was Egypt. 'Climbing the great pyramids would be like touching the sky!' she exclaimed. Her imagination painted a picture of the hot sun and the endless desert around her.

An energetic cici's A 11 year old chinese little girl now eleven standing in front of pyramids with bright eyes and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

As her exploration continued, Cici's gaze fell upon the Faroe Islands. 'It's so green and peaceful there,' she murmured, closing her eyes to picture the sheep roaming the hills and the cliffs plunging into the sea.

An energetic cici's A 11 year old chinese little girl now eleven standing in front of faroe islands with bright eyes and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

The final dream destination for Cici was the crystal-clear deep blue seas of the Fiji Islands that her geography book described. Diving into the deep, blue waters, Cici could almost feel the waves dancing around her. swimming with beautiful colorful fish, maybe seeing Nemo she smiled.

An happy chinese girl in swimming in the deep blue seas family present, introduction to her dreams.

At school, Cici shared her dreams with friends. 'Someday, I will visit all these places!' she said with pride. Her friends would chuckle and tease, 'Cici the Explorer!' But deep down, they admired her passion and joined in her daydreams during recess.

on happy chinese girl at school sitting on a bench surrounded by childhood friends,  introduction to her dreams.

One afternoon, Rongle and Cynthia noticed Cici's detailed map. 'Our little girl has such big dreams,' said Cynthia warmly. Rongle nodded, 'It's time we made her dream come true!' They started to plan a four-week family vacation around the world. First stop would be the City on the Canals of Venice Italy oh what fun they would have, riding on a gondola a small boat.

An energetic chinese family of 3 girl with mom and dad in a boat venice canal  bright eyes and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

Days turned into weeks as the family planned. They read about cultures, learned phrases in foreign languages, and even tried recipes from different countries. Cici's excitement shone brighter each day as the trip came closer.

An happy chinese girl in looking out an airplane window with mom nearby and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

Finally, the day arrived. Cici packed her favorite hat and journal, ready for adventure. 'I'll write down everything!' she promised, as they waved goodbye to their home headed for the airport and set out into the early morning light.

An happy chinese family a girl and her mother and  father in a car leaving their home heading for the airport

After flying for what seem like days they finally arrived in the country of Sri Lanka it was more beautiful than Cici had ever imagined. She marveled at the colorful murals and the gentle way people spoke. She jotted down her thoughts and sketched one of many Temples in her journal to show her friends when she returned home

Temple of the Tooth A happy chinese girl in Sri lanka, Temple of the Tooth in sri lanka

In Egypt, visiting King Tut's Tomb loomed large and majestic. Cici felt small but invincible as she climbed. 'This is history beneath my feet!' she exclaimed. Her parents watched, both proud and a bit teary-eyed at her enthusiasm.

An happy chinese girl visiting king tut tomb introduction to her dreams.

Next Faroe Islands welcomed them with a blanket of Amazing waterfall and greenery. Cici laughed with delight when a sheep wandered onto the path. 'We're all explorers here!' she told the curious animal, taking its picture.

An happy chinese girl faroe island places around the world bright eyes and an eager smile's home in China, family present, introduction to her dreams.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Cici felt when her friends teased her about her travel dreams?
  • Why do you think Rongle and Cynthia decided to make Cici's dream a reality?
  • Can you describe a time when you felt excited about an adventure like Cici did?

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