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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers wearing a tattered dress, dreaming by the fireplace

Cinderella lived with her mean stepmother and two stepsisters.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers's Mean woman in dark clothes, always scowling and Two girls in fancy dresses, always giggling mocOld man wearing a crown, holding a golden invitation and scowling

They made Cinderella do all the chores while they had fun.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers sweeping the floor while her stepfamily relaxes

One day, the king announced a grand ball at the palace.

The Old man wearing a crown, holding a golden invitation holding a golden invitation card for the ball

Cinderella's stepsisters were excited about the ball.

Stepsisters trying on fancy dresses for the ball

But Cinderella's stepmother didn't let her go.

Stepmother blocOld man wearing a crown, holding a golden invitation the door, forbidding Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers to go

Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared and helped Cinderella.

Fairy godmother in a sparkling gown with a magic wand

She turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers amazed by her transformed dress and glass slippers

Cinderella went to the ball and danced with the prince.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers twirling in the arms of the prince

At midnight, she rushed home, leaving behind a glass slipper.

Girl with rags, transformed into a princess, glass slippers fleeing the ball, losing her glass slipper

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cinderella's stepsisters treat her?
  • Who helped Cinderella transform into a princess?
  • What did Cinderella leave behind at the ball?

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