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Cinderella and the Inclusive Ball

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted girl named Cinderella.

Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper, a kind-hearted girl, with a glass slipper

She lived with her stepmother and stepsisters, who were mean to her.

Mean and unkind woman, wearing fancy dresses and stepsisters, mean and unkind, wearing fancy dresses

One day, the king announced a grand ball for all the girls in the kingdom.

Wise and kind king, wearing a crown with a crown, announces a grand ball

Cinderella's stepsisters excitedly prepared for the ball, but Cinderella was sad.

Mean and unkind girls, wearing fancy dresses excited, Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper sad with a broom

Suddenly, her fairy godmother appeared and helped Cinderella go to the ball.

Magical and kind fairy, carrying a wand with a wand, Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper in a beautiful dress

At the ball, Cinderella met the prince, who fell in love with her.

Charming prince, wearing a crown with a crown, Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper and the prince dancing

After a magical evening, Cinderella had to leave the ball before midnight.

Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper running away from the ball at midnight

The prince searched for Cinderella and found her with her glass slipper.

Charming prince, wearing a crown finding Kind-hearted girl, in a beautiful dress, wearing a glass slipper with a glass slipper

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cinderella's stepsisters treat her?
  • Who helped Cinderella go to the ball?
  • What did the prince find to search for Cinderella?

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