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Cinderella and the Magic Mirror

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a kind and beautiful girl named Cinderella. She had a wicked stepmother and two mean stepsisters who made her do all the chores. But Cinderella never gave up hope for a better life.

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile looking sad and surrounded by brooms and buckets.

One day, while Cinderella was sweeping the floor, she found a dusty old mirror in the attic. As she wiped off the dust, a magical sparkle appeared, and the mirror began to speak!

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile holding a dusty old mirror with a surprised expression.

The mirror told Cinderella about a grand ball at the palace where the Prince was looking for a bride. Cinderella desperately wanted to go, but her stepmother and stepsisters wouldn't let her. They were jealous of her beauty and didn't want her to outshine them.

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile looking hopeful, but the stepsisters looking mean.

With a wave of the magic mirror's hand, Cinderella's rags transformed into a beautiful ballgown, and her old broom turned into a shiny carriage! She hurried off to the ball, but the mirror warned her to return before midnight because the magic would only last until then.

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile in a beautiful gown, riding in a shiny carriage.

At the ball, Cinderella danced with the Prince, and they fell in love. But as the clock struck midnight, she rushed out of the palace, leaving behind one glass slipper. The magic wore off, and she turned back into her old self.

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile dancing with the The Prince has brown hair, brown eyes, and a charming smile, but then running away.

The Prince searched the kingdom for the girl who fit the glass slipper, and it finally led him to Cinderella. When the slipper fit perfectly, she became a princess, and they lived happily ever after.

Cinderella has golden hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile wearing the glass slipper and smiling with the The Prince has brown hair, brown eyes, and a charming smile.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cinderella find the magic mirror?
  • Why did Cinderella have to leave the ball before midnight?
  • How did Cinderella become a princess?

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