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Cinderella: The Midnight Princess

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She had golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart full of kindness. Sadly, Cinderella's mother had passed away, and her father had remarried a wicked woman with two daughters. They were unkind to Cinderella and made her do all the chores in the house.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes sitting by the fireplace, surrounded by ashes. Wicked woman, unkind to Cinderella, discontent expression and step-sisters looking discontent.

One day, the king announced a grand ball at the palace, inviting every maiden in the kingdom. Cinderella's step-mother and step-sisters were excited about attending the ball and wore their finest gowns. As they left for the palace, tears welled up in Cinderella's eyes.

Wicked woman, unkind to Cinderella, discontent expression and step-sisters leaving in a carriage. Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes looking sad near the palace gate.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and a beautiful fairy godmother appeared before Cinderella. She wore a gown made of sparkling stars and carried a wand with a diamond at the tip. The fairy godmother granted Cinderella's wish to go to the ball. She transformed a pumpkin into a magnificent carriage, the mice into four white horses, and Cinderella's ragged clothes into a breathtaking ballgown.

Gown made of sparkling stars, wand with a diamond, magical appearance with a sparkling gown and wand. Pumpkin transforming into a carriage with mice turning into horses. Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes in her transformed ballgown.

Before Cinderella left for the ball, the fairy godmother warned her that the spell would last only until midnight. Cinderella thanked her and promised to return before the clock struck twelve. As she entered the palace, everyone was astonished by her beauty, including the prince. They danced the night away, and Cinderella felt like a princess.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes entering the palace, people admiring her beauty. Charming prince, impressed by Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes's beauty, holding the glass slipper dancing with Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes.

Time flew by, and Cinderella lost track of it. As the clock began to strike midnight, she had to rush out of the ballroom. In her haste, Cinderella left behind one of her glass slippers. The prince, determined to find her, declared that whoever the slipper fit would become his bride.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes rushing out of the ballroom. Charming prince, impressed by Cinderella's beauty, holding the glass slipper holding the glass slipper.

The next day, the prince visited Cinderella's house, trying the slipper on every maiden's foot. When it was Cinderella's turn, her foot slid effortlessly into the slipper. The prince recognized her as the beautiful maiden he had danced with and asked her to marry him. Cinderella said yes, and they lived happily ever after in the palace.

Charming prince, impressed by Cinderella's beauty, holding the glass slipper kneeling before Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes, putting the glass slipper on her foot. Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind-hearted, surrounded by ashes saying yes.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cinderella's life change after her father remarried?
  • Who helped Cinderella get to the ball?
  • Why did Cinderella have to leave the ball before midnight?

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