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City of Neon Dreams

Once upon a time, in a city called Neon Dreams, everyone loved bright colors.

City of Neon Dreams with colorful buildings and people

In this city, there lived a little girl named Lily.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile, a happy girl with a colorful dress

Lily loved exploring the city and playing with her friends.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile playing with friends in a colorful playground

One day, Lily found a shiny necklace on the ground.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile finding a shiny necklace with stars

Lily thought about keeping the necklace for herself, but she knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile looking thoughtful with the necklace

She decided to ask around if anyone had lost it.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile asking people in the city about the necklace

Finally, Lily found a lady who said she had lost the necklace.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile returning the necklace to the lady

The lady was so happy to have her necklace back that she gave Lily a big hug.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile and the lady hugging with smiles

Lily felt proud of herself for being honest and doing the right thing.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile with a proud smile and thumbs up

From that day on, Lily became known as the honest and kind girl of Neon Dreams.

Happy girl with colorful dress and a smile being admired by other girlren in Neon Dreams

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lily decide to return the necklace?
  • How did the lady feel when Lily gave her back the necklace?
  • What did Lily become known as in Neon Dreams?

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