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Clappy Head's Dilemma

Once upon a time, in the colorful world of Komo Forest, there lived a Komodo dragon named Clappy Head. He had bright green scales and a big head that looked like it was made for clapping. Clappy Head had many animal friends who loved to jump on his head and start clapping.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head, a Komodo dragon with a bright green body

At first, Clappy Head didn't mind his friends clapping on his head, but as time passed, it started to bother him. It made it hard for him to think and focus on things he enjoyed. So, Clappy Head decided to find a solution to this problem.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head feeling bothered by his friends clapping on his head

Clappy Head tried various ways to get his friends to stop clapping on his head. He asked them politely, he tried hiding, and even pretended to be sick. But no matter what he did, his friends continued to clap on his head.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head trying different strategies to solve the problem

Feeling frustrated, Clappy Head decided to talk to his wise friend, Wise Owl. Wise Owl listened attentively and suggested Clappy Head try explaining to his friends how he felt. So, Clappy Head gathered his animal friends and explained how it bothered him when they clapped on his head.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head talking to A wise owl with big, round eyes about his problem

To Clappy Head's surprise, his friends hadn't realized they were causing him discomfort. They apologized and promised to stop clapping on his head. From that day on, they found other ways to play and have fun together without bothering Clappy Head.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head and his friends finding a solution to the problem

Clappy Head felt happy and relieved that he had solved his problem. He realized that sometimes, talking and explaining how you feel can help solve a problem. From that day on, Clappy Head and his animal friends enjoyed their time together even more.

A bright green Komodo dragon with a big head feeling happy after solving the problem

The end.

The end

Reflection Questions

  • How did Clappy Head try to solve his problem?
  • What did Clappy Head's friends promise to do?
  • What did Clappy Head learn from this experience?

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