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Cleo the Curious Crocodile

Once upon a time, in a green, glistening river, a little crocodile named Cleo lived with her family. Her scales shined in the sun like emeralds, and she loved to splash around.

Introducing Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes the crocodile, living with her family in the river.

Every day, Cleo watched the animals on the riverbank. She saw birds singing, monkeys swinging, and wished she could join them.

Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes observing other animals, feeling curious and a bit envious.

Cleo asked her mother, 'Why can't we play with the riverbank animals?' Her mother replied, 'We are crocodiles, dear. They are afraid of us.'

Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes inquiring about other animals, mother explaining the natural boundaries.

Determined to make friends, Cleo decided to show them she was kind. She helped a lost turtle find his way and shared her lunch with a hungry bird.

Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes showing kindness to a turtle and a bird, building friendships.

Soon, the riverbank animals realized that Cleo was friendly. They started coming to the river to play, singing songs and sharing stories together.

Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes enjoying the company of new friends, overcoming misunderstandings.

And from that day on, Cleo became the most loved crocodile on the river. Her heart was as warm as the shiny scales on her back.

Young, emerald-scaled crocodile with bright and curious eyes gaining acceptance and love from the riverbank community.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Cleo felt when her mother told her they couldn't play with riverbank animals?
  • What can we learn from Cleo about making friends with someone who seems different from us?
  • How did Cleo’s actions change the way the riverbank animals thought about her and other crocodiles?

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